Virgin Voyages and Emerald Brand are bringing sustainability to the seas with the creation of a new line of plastic-free Tree-Free, disposable products including cups, napkins and paper towels. These products will be used onboard on Virgin Voyages ships as a replacement for the single-use plastic the brand refuses to use.

When Virgin Group Founder Sir Richard Branson and Virgin Voyages President and CEO Tom McAlpin introduced Scarlet Lady they announced that the company would create an ‘Epic Sea Change for All‘ by creating one of the cleanest fleets at sea.
As part of that promise Virgin Voyages has partnered with Climeon, a Sweden-based technology company, with a goal to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions by converting engine waste heat into clean electricity. The Climeon Ocean heat power solution generates electricity using waste heat from the ship’s engines delivering reduced fuel consumption as well as reduced emissions. Per ship this would result in an annual savings of 5,400 tons of CO2, an amount that would take 180,000 trees 30 years to absorb.
Virgin Voyages has also signed an agreement with Scanship, providers of advanced waste management systems. Together, they are exploring the development of potentially game-changing technology that could one day significantly reduce ocean discharge by turning waste into energy.
Furthermore Virgin Voyages has introduced a ban on plastic. The ban includes straws, bottled water, other beverage bottles, condiment packets, shopping bags, food packaging, stirrers, and take-away coffee and tea cups. Instead, the company will emphasize the use of recyclable and reusable materials across the ship. Sailors will have access to complimentary filtered still and sparkling water at all bars and restaurants, as well as specially designed Natura filtered water stations throughout the ship.
Virgin Voyages will deliver its Sailors a unique, Tree-Free and plastic-free experience through a strategic sustainability partnership with Emerald Brand.

In addition to replacing single-use plastics with reusable items, Virgin and Emerald will deliver a Tree-Free experience through the ship’s disposable paper products. Bath tissue, facial tissue, hot cups, paper towels, and napkins will be made from 60% to 100% Tree-Free material. These products are made with unique technology that uses the by-product of agricultural crops that are typically burned or wasted, in place of trees.
Emerald’s team of environmental experts, known more commonly as the Eco-Squad, will help Virgin Voyages measure and communicate the environmental footprint reduction that has resulted from the switch to Emerald’s products. The Eco-Squad will also provide solutions for continuous improvement throughout the supply chain.
Future Sailors and First Mates can check out Virgin Voyages by visiting VirginVoyages.Com.